State Level "DOGE Inspired Task Forces" Pop Up Across U.S. Promoted by Republican Governors' Love of "Small Government"

State Level "DOGE Inspired Task Forces" Pop Up Across U.S. Promoted by Republican Governors' Love of "Small Government"
Photo by Madalyn Cox / Unsplash

Updating the list of existing state level DOGE inspired task forces. As of 2/26/25 there are 7 state level and 1 county level that I am aware of. While some have picked less conspicuous official names such as “Red Tape Relief” and “Fiscal Responsibility Program,” all were announced as “DOGE-inspired.” DOGE continues to inspire Republican governors with their patriotic lack of accountability while lawlessly slashing and burning through federal agencies and "red tape." This includes recently illegally firing disabled veterans without cause as part of a massive layoff. Yesterday a federal board drunk with "bureaucratic power (aka acting well within their legal rights to do their jobs) ordered these disabled veterans have their jobs reinstated after an investigation by watchdog Hampton Dellinger indicated federal law had been violated. Despite President Trump's valiant efforts requesting SCOTUS allow him to violate court orders and fire Dellinger last week, Dellinger remains in his position and will continue investigations.

Source about reinstating disabled veterans:

2/26/25 update: Florida has announced the launch of their own local DOGE task force. Since publishing this list I have also learned that some existing “DOGE inspired” task forces are going by less conspicuous official names. The “Red Tape Relief Task Force” in Montana was launched in early January. In a further update, some reports suggest that the “Fiscal Responsibility Program” launched in Louisiana back in December, may have already violated some transparency laws. I will add sources for all of this to the growing list below, however with the additions of Montana and Florida, this brings us to a total of 7 known “federally-inspired small government” agencies being used to slash and burn anything they consider “wasteful.” Similar to their inspirational namesake, these state level task forces may also be hoping to ignore transparency laws necessary for oversight and accountability.

Context: Below is a post I originally posted to my Substack account on 2/19/25. I only started a Substack account after being censored on Reddit. However, I soon ran into similar issues on Substack: Posts disappearing, emails suddenly not being sent to subscribers or being tagged to go into spam, content mysteriously buried by the algorithm or swarms of accounts all parroting the same false narrative but ignoring any facts that refuted it.

Even so, I was able to create content that reached a few people, even if it was just my IRL friends that shared links with their friends or by sharing by word of mouth. I'm trying out Ghost and Mastodon but if it's the same result once again I'll keep on trying. Subscribe and share if you read this. Even if you just spread the information by word of mouth when you hear false narratives. If everybody spreads knowledge to one or two people it can start to make a difference. Even though you may not see it being reflected in the news, things are not going as smoothly as Trump, Musk, Vance, Yarvin, Thiel, the Heritage Foundation, and Putin hoped. This is why they hate federal judges and want to destroy the federal government.

Original Post: Updating on 2/20/2025 to add Kentucky to the growing list that I created yesterday. That's 5 states in total. I mentioned last night that recently I was messaged some very personal information about a Republican who frequently exercises his first amendment in his city's Subreddit. I found this especially suspicious considering the area where this Republican lives has its very own dedicated local DOGE taskforce that has made news for goose-stepping around town, and trampling on the first amendment. This includes attacking the pastor of a local church for criticizing Elon Musk. Who exactly decided the name of Elon Musk needs a dedicated taskforce to defend its honor against American citizens? I personally lean more towards the left than this individual I was messaged about, but I respect him as a private citizen who is entitled to the same first amendment rights we all are. I personally find any attempt by a government to silence the free speech of its people through intimidation and fear absolutely unacceptable. Especially when it's being done in the name of “small government.” Regardless of all the things the media keeps telling us we don't agree on, I would like to invite all Americans to start thinking about the things we do agree on regardless of what party is in charge of running our country. Does anyone agree that a local taskforce created to uphold the ideals of an unelected South African billionaire in Washington is representative of most American’s idea of what small government should look like? Especially considering they may be using that task force against members of their own party and pastors of churches for threatening their grip on power by simply expressing their first amendment? Does anyone agree that the idea of a secret police selected with no public oversight, and based solely on those willing to pledge their loyalty to that South African billionaire in Washington is what small government should look like? If you're an American and you agree those things DO NOT represent small government, you might want to be on the lookout for a DOGE taskforce near you. While not all have been officially announced as part of official state governments, there are existing branches in multiple states that are already acting on behalf of orders from Washington. I actually just found out one exists in my own state. I'm not too happy about, especially given how much I've already experienced my first amendment “unofficially,” being trampled. I urge you to look up your state and “DOGE taskforce” to find out if one is also in the works near you. Let me know if you find more and I'll add it to this growing list. North Dakota and Tennessee announced their state level task forces today, but TN seems to have both an official state level and unofficial county levels. I hope anyone reading this can be sure to contact your governors and senators and let them know how you feel on this issue. Please keep in mind this is all happening as DOGE at the Federal level is attempting to get their hands on your tax returns and social security. They are exploiting the American people and counting on them remaining completely oblivious until it is too late: Meanwhile, regardless of party, I hope as an American, you will honestly think about the consequences of the Supreme Court providing Trump (and anyone else in his administration) with the power to over rule the laws that protect your first amendment and other rights. Federal laws are far from perfect. They are often downright frustrating and inefficient, but as of now they are the only legal protection those of who are not billionaires or somehow connected to billionaires have to protect ourselves, our friends, and our families.

I am all for fixing a broken system, but ask who really benefits right now if we suddenly lose those rights, especially with Elon’s task force ready to break down your door and take what ever else they haven't already stolen? There is a reason even the tiniest of backwater towns saw lawyers traveling to spread information when the civil rights act passed. I grew up in those towns, and while those laws don't protect you if they're not enforced, there's also a reason the corrupt officials breaking those laws will suddenly switch to playing the innocent victim when enough attention and lawyers become involved. I was raised to believe “We the people,” is an extremely important aspect of the constitution, but these billionaires that want to stab you in the back and tell you it's for your own good would disagree. If you still feel it's important here are some action items: 1. Spread this information 2. Tell your senators and governor how you feel about this. Especially the Republicans creating these task force. I truly believe their plan is to take advantage of a power vacuum if Musk and Co. succeed in fully collapsing the federal government. If you'd like to know more about why I feel this way, please see my post on psychological innoculation and astroturfing. 3. Make sure SCOTUS hears loud and clear how much Americans care for liberty and their first amendment as they prepare to make a decision about unchecked executive power. These are the states I know of so far, but I urge you to take my advice and be on the lookout for any in your own county and state: Florida Iowa Kentucky Louisiana: “Fiscal Responsibility Program” Secret meetings may have violated transparency act: Montana: “Red Tape Relief Task Force”

North Dakota Tennessee TN announced their state level task force today, but Hamilton county in TN has been in the news for the same “oversight” with no actual oversight for several weeks. Hamilton County has used their DOGE inspired task force as an excuse to target churches. Hamilton County level DOGE: This pastor in Hamilton county has received death threats after being targeted: State level:

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